Saturday, March 24, 2012


Okay my friends I'm doing a giveaway. The prize for the winning contestant will be......*drumroll*. One of my original Lovely Loomed Daisies. Your choice of color and initial.

Colors can be muted, bright, neutral, pastel...just about anything you can think of. Also you can choose to add metallic accents or leave the bling out. 

To enter:
Like Amber's Roses on Facebook
Go to Amber's Roses on Etsy and favorite one item
Tweet your favorite item include @AmbersRoses1 in your tweet
Refer a friend to Amber's Roses for the contest

Each of these actions are worth one entry

Post the actions you have performed in a comment, tell me what your favorited item is and the name/twitter account you used to post. If you were referred please include the name of the person who referred you in your comment.

Contest will close April 7th

1 comment:

  1. I referred my friend, Victoria! If I win for referring her, I want to give her the prize. She is having a baby girl in a few months, and it will be a perfect new baby gift! :)
